Ten Writing Prompts for 2025

by Gloria G. Adams

To celebrate our tenth year of writing A Song of Six Pens blog, we begin with 10 writing prompts to get your creative ideas flowing for 2025. Have fun!

1. Once upon a time there was a tiny green frog named Thomas. One day he woke up and he was no longer green. He was a brilliant shade of…


2.      As soon as I saw the look on Mama’s face, I knew exactly what had happened.


3.      Make up a story using this picture. Ask these questions:

             Who are they?

             What happened to them?

             Are they related to each other?

             What is the setting?

            What sensory details does the picture conjure up?

            What will happen to them?


4.      Write a story about a world where everything is upside down, except for people.

5.      Make up a story in which a little girl is obsessed with wanting to be an astronaut.


6.      Research an unusual animal, insect, or plant and write a lyrical nonfiction picture book about it.


7.      Write a picture book about things in nature that are black. For a bigger challenge, write it in rhyme.


8.      Make up a story using this picture.

9.  Maggie was the naughtiest dog in the whole neighborhood. She was always getting into trouble. But then, one day…


10  Celia Carolina Crawford counted everything. She counted how many times she brushed her hair. She counted the number of tiles on the kitchen floor. She always counted each of her stuffies every morning.  (Then, something related to counting goes wrong.)